Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Exclusive Spider-Man Unlimited 10 update reveals

We are so very close to perhaps the most significant update in the history of the game, in terms of make-or-break player satisfaction, and the types of changes being implemented.  Let’s just say that it is time to clear space off your devices, take those safety screen-shots of your full team, ISO and vial counts, consumables hoards and rank-up stashes.
We're going to give you some of the details of the update here, but stay tuned to the Fanguide YouTube channel to see Kal bring you one more exclusive reveal later today.
Over the last few weeks, the Fanguide have been in deep conversation with the Executive Producers of SMU, discussing our (and your) opinions of the state of the game and our hopes for the future of it.  The development team requested our detailed ideas, so we presented them with a 16-page document relating to Events exclusively, though our discussions have covered many aspects of the game.  This document initiated a very fruitful discussion, the results of which you have been playing in-game for the last couple of weeks.

During these discussions, we learned that the new development team understand many of the player’s frustrations with the game, and they have been working extremely hard on understanding the mechanics of the game, to stabilise it, and to allow them to develop it from a new platform which they have complete control over.  Not only that, but they are also life-long fans of Spider-Man, and want to do justice to the character and rich story-lines which have drawn them to the game, as much as you.

Which brings us neatly to Update 10.  The double figure update.

It’s going to bring some changes, some of which will be revealed here, some of which we have promised to leave as surprises for you to find once you update, but some more of which, Kal will be revealing to you in his video shortly.

The biggest question you may all have concerns the apparently missing Unlimited Mode.  It is true, it will no longer have a place of its own on the homescreen, but that does not mean that it is gone. In fact, it could be an improvement to the previous version, and address several complaints that have been raised in the past. 

There is no longer one button press to enter Unlimited, because there is no longer just one route to take to the Daily Leaderboard.

The Daily Leaderboard now sits behind the Issue missions.  It still exists, will still have prizes, and we have been told that fixes have been made so that Spiders may return!  However, that does not mean they will always be there for prizes.

Unlimited Mode and the Issues combine to increase the replay value and the number of possibilities for you to play different levels and configurations for the same competition.

*exactly* how this will manifest, we do not quite know, but are very excited to find out.

The Issue Missions themselves will still require you to reach necessary multipliers to be able to enter them.

Within each Mission of the issues, there will be greater rewards than the previous ISO and XP awarded, the medals will be making a functional return here, and each mission will have its own Leaderboard - currently set to bragging rights only, but there are plans to change this in the future.

That's over a hundred missions, a hundred leaderboards - and potentially, a hundred bragging rights.

The development team have assured us that they are aware of tons of improvements they could do on the competitive aspect of the new map.  They invite us to send them our feedback on all aspects of this update, to help them refine and improve the game.

The team have a wealth of ideas to implement in future updates, and they will continue to improve the game on regular basis.  They highlighted to us just how difficult it can be to release a big change without some compromises. They are already aware that one cost to this update has been the time you have waited for it to appear, so they have cut many aspects they wanted to introduce, in order to get this update out sooner.

They have also assured us that the list of bugs they have squashed in this update is too long to mention, but they have addressed loads, with more to be fixed in Update 11 (which means many will remain for now, unfortunately), but they have assigned coders specifically to deal with these problems.

But how ‘soon’ is ‘sooner’

Sooner than you think.

Load up those web-shooters folks, because when it drops we have a feeling this party’s gonna be swinging

- Goatmeat

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